As summer fades and September brings a return to routine, it's the perfect time to reset and focus on healthy habits that support optimal digestion.
Here are my top 8 essential strategies to reset digestion.
#1 Be Present at Meals
Eating while present vs distracted may slow down how fast you eat and overeating. At your next meal, step away from your TV, phone, computer, etc. Take a moment to look your food before taking your first bite. Notice if being present at your meal impacts post-meal digestive symptoms of gas, bloating and discomfort.
#2 Chew, Chew, Chew
Remember, your stomach doesn’t have teeth! Thoroughly chewing your food is essential for helping enzymes break it down more easily in the stomach. Aim to chew each bite to an applesauce consistency. It's not easy to break a lifelong pattern of being a fast eater. Be patient. Notice if this impacts digestive symptoms you experience.
#3 Sip During Meals
Instead of drinking large amounts during meals, try sipping water and save bigger drinks for between meals. This approach supports better digestion by maintaining optimal enzyme activity to help support digestion.
#4. Tune Into Hunger and Fullness Cues
Eat when you’re truly hungry and stop when you’re about three-quarters full. This mindful eating practice can help support good digestion by reducing instances of overeating which can overwhelm digestive capacity, leading to post meal bloat, gas, and reflux.
#5. Gentle Movement After Meals
Light activity, such as a walk or gentle stretching, after meals can aid in the timely movement of food through the digestive tract. Find a place in your day to take a 10-15 minute walk after your biggest meal, and notice how that feels.
#6 Eat Distinct Meals During The Day and Avoid Grazing
Having structured meals allow your digestive system to fully process food and rest between eating periods, promoting better digestion and nutrient absorption. Try to loosely establish an eating pattern for yourself of breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Try not to eat in between these planned meals and snacks. How does this impact your symptoms?
#7 Establish a Bedtime Curfew for Eating
Avoid eating large meals close to bedtime. Giving your body time to digest before sleeping can reduce the risk of discomfort and improve your sleep quality. Challenge yourself to cut off eating 2-3 hours before bed. Notice if your sleep is better, and if you experience reduced am bloating and discomfort?
#8 Build a Balanced, Fiber-Rich Plate
A balanced fiber-rich plate includes a palm size of protein; 2 fistfuls of vegetables or modest portions of fruit; one cupped handful of fiber-rich carbs such as whole grain, beans, potatoes or winter squash; and 1-2 tablespoons of healthy fats. This fiber-rich plate feeds beneficial gut bacteria, helps regulate bowel movements and contributes to a feeling of fullness and satisfaction.
As you transition from the summer into the structure of fall, these 8 strategies can be key to help you to reset and support your digestive health.
Looking for deeper dive into resetting digestion? Watch my video for a more in-depth look at how these simple, intentional practices can make a big impact on your digestion.
I am here to help. Don't hesitate to reach out for a FREE 10 minute discovery call to learn more about how I can support you.
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*Disclaimer: Ellen Petrosino Consulting has no affiliation with any of the brands mentioned on this website.